Mrs Chana Silver is an international lecturer, an outreach professional, and a popular teacher at several seminaries in Jerusalem. She has over 35 years of expert experience in Jewish Education. Mrs Silver has lectured around the world to many different types of people on a wide variety of eclectic, yet relevant topics.
Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Mrs. Silver now lives in Jerusalem. With her warm Southern charm and positive outlook, she has a unique way of taking vital, pertinent issues and fusing them with classic Torah hashkafa, contemporary ideas, and psychology, to produce a down to earth, focused, and realistic approach to the challenges that we face today.
This class is taken from Sparkles of Chizzuk, which are short enouraging, thought provoking, and chizuk filled idea/concepts, that can help us in our personal growth, avodas Hashem and Emunah during these difficult times.
To hear Don’t Rely on Your Own Understanding – We Can’t See the Whole Picture, please click on the audio link below.